My 2019 album Entropy provided the source material for the latest addition to the ongoing (m)ORPH Artist Series from Seattle composer Kasson Crooker (Symbion Project, ELYXR). (m)ORPH is a 3D VR...
Words about electronic & experimental music
SINCE 2010
Thomas Köner: Motus (Mille Plateaux)
Another new Köner release showed up as quietly as is the music itself, a faint undertone to an unsettling year. Motus incorporates more of an undercurrent...
AHRKH: Beams From a Spiritual Panorama (Golden Ratio Frequencies)
This solo effort from Gnod member A P Macarte, originally released on cassette on Golden Ratio Frequencies but thankfully also available digitally on their Bandcamp page, explores the notion of...
Yann Novak: The Future Is a Forward Escape Into the Past (Touch)
Los Angeles-based multidisciplinary artist Yann Novak recorded this work of characteristically droning minimalism as his second release for esteemed UK label...
Federico Durand: “Lluvia de Estrellas” (La Niña Junco, 12k 2017)
This absolutely stunning, shimmering delicacy is one of the finer ones I’ve heard from 12k in some time.
Everyday Loneliness: “N.W.” (Omissions: Reconsidered Elements 2007-11, Monorail Trespassing 2012)
What gorgeous, woozy drones from this act I’m only just now discovering! (Source:
Pascal Savy: Dislocations (Experimedia)
French drone auteur Pascal Savy, now based in London, has crafted a minor masterpiece in Dislocations. Along with a recent release from Matthias Urban, Dislocations marks a return to pressing...
Shuttle358: Field (12k)
Dan Abrams’ Shuttle358 project was one of the first things I heard on 12k, way back in 2000 when his second album Frame was released by the fledgling label. It was a brave new world at the time, a...
Anne Guthrie: Brass Orchids (Students of Decay)Anne Guthrie’s latest dives headlong into a murky and sublime world of field recordings and ephemera. Dedicated to her deceased...
Porya Hatami & Arovane: “Unn” (Kaziwa, Time Released Sound / n5MD)German producer Uwe Zahn (Arovane) and Iranian experimental artist Porya Hatami released their collaboration album Kaziwa as a...
Yann Novak: Surroundings (LINE)Los Angeles-based sound and visual artist Yann Novak’s Surroundings originated as a site-specific sound performance commissioned for the Hamon...
Bowery Electric: “Under the Sun” (Beat, Kranky 1996)Still an underrated classic by my own standards, Bowery Electric’s Beat is a long-time favorite. They never quite got their due, and I’ve always...
Ear Influxion’s Best Music of 2017
The end of the year is always a daunting time for me as a writer and music aficianado. Having released not one but three solo projects this year, I spent a lot of the front half of the year mired in...
Gregg Kowalsky: L'Orange, L'Orange (Mexican Summer)The artwork for Gregg Kowaksy’s first solo album in several years is a good tone setter for the sounds within. He both designed the...
Pan•American: “Right of Return” (The River Made No Sound, Kranky 2002)Mark Nelson’s Pan American project explores everything from slowcore post-rock (not unlike his other collaborations as...
Sarah Davachi: All My Circles Run (Students of Decay)Canadian artist Sarah Davachi’s fourth album is about as minimal as they come. Hushed and stark, each of its five tracks is...
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