Mark Broom: Salvo EP (Bek Audio)
Mark Broom reaffirms his reputation as a top-notch techno producer with this new selection of tracks. These tracks have no flirtation with pop trends or crossover gestures — just pure, no nonsense, straight-at-the-dancefloor and the ‘heads techno. That said, despite showing off his knack for mechanical beatmaking, there’s a funky undercurrent here. “Eye” especially has a jaunty swing to it that warms it up to a chill that feels especially approachable. “Cell Block” on the other hand is a more severe, steady track with some fantastic noise drones that help it progress. The title track may be the standout (though all four cuts are quite good) with its staggered bleeps, punctuated, reverberated accents, and a massive undulating low-end bass throb. The remaining cut, “T Bone,” has an almost shrill refrain of high-end bleep under which everything else submits in tandem. None of these tracks is going to likely win over converts to the cause of techno, but they are exemplary of Broom’s talent for both moving a floor and bobbing your head.