Dan Abrams’ Shuttle358 project was one of the first things I heard on 12k, way back in 2000 when his second album Frame was released by the fledgling label. It was a brave new world at the time, a...
Words about electronic & experimental music
SINCE 2010
worriedaboutsatan: Volte/They Are In Our House Now / Who Is A Hunter? / Cloaking (This Is It Forever)
At long last, new music from this outfit whose last full-length Blank Tape had a well-deserved mention in Ear Influxion’s Best of 2017 list. (The album is actually dated 2016, but who’s keeping...
Hypnobeat: “Mission in Congo” (Prototech, Dark Entries 2017 / 1985)
Hypnobeat’s stripped down beatmaking feels as much of 1985 as it reminds me of some of Throbbing Gristle’s extended drum machine jams. I’ve only just recently discovered them, thanks to the...
Moderat: “Running (Âme Remix)” (Monkeytown 2016)Âme turns in this faithful remix of Moderat’s anthemic “Running,” where form meets function and the ethos of the original remains in tact over his...
Yann Novak: Surroundings (LINE)Los Angeles-based sound and visual artist Yann Novak’s Surroundings originated as a site-specific sound performance commissioned for the Hamon...
Ear Influxion’s Best Music of 2017
The end of the year is always a daunting time for me as a writer and music aficianado. Having released not one but three solo projects this year, I spent a lot of the front half of the year mired in...
Mathew Jonson: “Thieves In Digital Land” (Agents of Time, Wagon Repair 2010)This one from Mathew Jonson’s 2010 full-length is all about the fat and juicy bassline.(Source:...
Pan•American: “Right of Return” (The River Made No Sound, Kranky 2002)Mark Nelson’s Pan American project explores everything from slowcore post-rock (not unlike his other collaborations as...
Ryoji Ikeda: “Supercodex 10″ (Supercodex, Raster-Noton 2013)Ryoji Ikeda’s last proper full-length for Raster-Noton showcases most of his tricks and techniques in the best ways. This centerpiece...
Sarah Davachi: All My Circles Run (Students of Decay)Canadian artist Sarah Davachi’s fourth album is about as minimal as they come. Hushed and stark, each of its five tracks is...
Roe Enney: Glare (Root Strata)If you happen to be a former goth/industrial kid or have a reverence for early 80s post-punk gloom, Roe Enney is going to hit all the right, sparse notes for...
Kara-Lis Coverdale: Grafts (Boomkat Editions)Grafts is presented as a single 22:32 track, but it gradually reveals itself to be a suite of meditative variations rather than one continuous...
Bernard Baum: After (Panatype)Bernard Baum’s After is a short, fast-moving but unassuming album that’s quietly worked its way into my list of favorites after repeat listens...
Underworld: “Hamburg Hotel” (Barking, 2011)This track in the center of Underworld’s 2011 album Barking, otherwise peppered with glossier and more mainstream club producers, was produced with Al...
Colleen: A flame my love, a frequency (Thrill Jockey)I remember when I first heard the opening strums of Cecile Schott’s lo-fi debut, Everyone Alive Wants Answers (Leaf, 2003). It all felt...
Architectural: “7.2″ (Seven, Architectural 2016)Bangin’ minimal jam from a couple years back — still shifty and sleek.(Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
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