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27 July 2011

I have more music writing on the way… it’s been a hectic several weeks and so while I’ve done my fair share of listening to new music, and there’s certainly no shortage of good stuff to be heard or talked about. I just haven’t been able to dedicate time to thoughtful writing, which should be changing as I’ve just purchased a new pile of tracks that are making my head spin.

In the meantime I have, however, been hard at work on some new projects, including remixes for a handful of artists, licensing some of my pre-existing music for films, and most of all intensely working with my team at Retronyms on a new app project that combines my two favorite areas of design — sound and user interface — in really complex and, if I may be so bold to say so, incredibly cool ways.

Here is a teaser of a demo track I made recently using the app:

Wanderlust by retronyms

You can hear more and find out more from teasers we’ve posted on the RetroBlog.




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